Introducing from the red corner, rated by many as the best cook by far, with several delicious dinners, one knock out Thanksgiving, and ZERO defeats. She is the former best cake champion, former 15 minute dinner champion, former 5 meals for $40 champion, . . . . .. the daughter in law,…. TIFFENE!!!
For the past few years the holidays have gone like this; Thanksgiving we go to my mom’s house and then I cook Thanksgiving dinner on Friday. Then for Christmas we go to dinner at my mother in laws and I cook a ham for my family at home. I thought this was a great plan because the weight and responsibility of dinner was spread out amongst the family. Not to mention my mother in law works at Wal-Mart and it is mandatory for her to work on Black Friday, so it was no big deal for me to cook on Friday for the family.
So this year I’m super hyped about having another successful Thanksgiving dinner. I even started planning the beginning of October, . . . . . Until one day I have my mother in law over for dinner, as she is enjoying one of my family’s favorite dinners, and leaving no crumbs behind. She drops the bomb, “ I think I am going to have Thanksgiving dinner at my house, I just didn’t like the way it was last year”
Oh no this bitch didn’t?!
So she continues on explaining how she hasn’t had Thanksgiving at her house for a long time, she normally goes out, blah blah blah. Honestly I can’t hear anything she’s saying because I was too busy fighting that big knot in my throat and the tears since she said she didn’t like my Thanksgiving dinner! I put my heart and soul (lol literally) into that dinner. I made homemade pumpkins pies, my husband and I were on a wild goose chase looking for the perfect Turkey recipe, I made homemade stuffing, along with 6 other delicious sides. I even had holiday music playing on the TV. Needless to say it could not have been any better. But she didn’t like it??
After crying for 3 days and trying to figure out what was wrong with my Thanksgiving dinner, my husband finally calls her. Of course he eats up whatever BS she fed him and he comes back and tries to feed it to me but I’m not having it. She said she didn’t like it and I WANTED TO KNOW WHY!
I went through several moods over the next couple of weeks, “I hate her, she’s mean” “Nobody is going over there to eat her dry turkey” “That’s it we will go to beach and have Thanksgiving there” then to “You know what I’m cooking the best Thanksgiving dinner ever, and she is NOT invited!”
So last night she comes by and casually says this, “So are you still cooking your dinner on Friday?”
I say, “yes”
She says, “Well I don’t think I’m going to cook Thanksgiving dinner, I have to work 3am-4pm and plus I cook Christmas dinner.”