Tuesday, January 18, 2011

“Sleeping Together”

It’s two something in the morning and my husband and I turn over at the same time.  We notice the little ones are still in their beds. Could this be? Do we really have a chance to “be alone”?! As we roll over to meet each other in the middle there it is, “Mommy can I get in your bed?”  REALLY?!?! So as we roll to each other’s sides, making room for one more we plan for our next “parental encounter.”

With my first son I stuck by the rules, per say. He slept in his crib, and from his crib he slept in his own bed, he has always been that way. However, with my youngest two I followed another set of rules. They were both breast fed and there were several nights they fed and we all ended the night in mommy and dada’s bed. So needless to say we went to the family bed. We did have some nights that we had co-sleeping (which is when they sleep in the same room) But everybody knows bassinets are just one of the gifts you get and hardly use.  But for the most part we did the family bed.

Pros to the Family Bed                                                  
  •    The obvious, easy feeding for breast feeders
  •   Extra cuddle time, especially if you work
  •   Makes affectionate kids
Cons to Family Bed
  •   The kids get used to sleeping with you and not their own bed 
  •   You start to feel like you wasted money on that really cute but also expensive crib you bought
  •   Causes  problems for mommy and dada time later (as mentioned above)

There are a lot of people that totally disagree with bed sharing or the family bed.  And some are even legit reasons. But if I had a chance to do it again, I would do the family bed again. Maybe start weaning them before potty training days come along. But most definitely do it again.  Plus there are other times and places mommy and dada can have “parental encounters.

Do you or did you have a family bed?